Feeding the farmer, or taking food away from the farmer? the expansion of the agricultural frontier in Colombia


agricultural frontier expansion, antioquean colonization, Colombia, economic history, economic theory, land ownership


This paper analyses the expansion of the agricultural frontier in Colombia using the theories of Marx and Ricardo to understand which of them is closer to the Colombian process. This essay begins with a theoretical framework that defines the theories of both authors. Then, the most important moments of the expansion of the agricultural frontier are presented: the colonization of Antioquia and the expansion of the agricultural frontier between 1936 and 1972. A justification and representation of these processes are built from historical works on the topic. Finally, a balance of the overall process and missing areas of investigation are presented.


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How to Cite

Feeding the farmer, or taking food away from the farmer? the expansion of the agricultural frontier in Colombia. (2018). Intercambio, 1(2), 117-143. Retrieved from http://revistafche.medellin.unal.edu.co/ojs/index.php/intercambio/article/view/214


