Current account deficit in Colombia 2000-2019


  • Diego Alejandro Mayusa Diaz Estudiante de Economía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia


trade balance, current account deficit, imports, capital goods, foreign trade, tariff chapters


This paper aims to identify whether current account deficit in a country like Colombia are really a risk factor to the economy. To this end, an analysis is made of high-income and high-middle-income countries with or without a current account deficit compared to their economic growth. In addition, an analysis of the imports that Colombia has had according to the tariff chapters. It is found that there is no relationship between presenting a current account deficit and performance in terms of economic growth, and also that tariff chapters related to capital goods have the largest share of imports, although no significant concentration is recorded.


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How to Cite

Mayusa Diaz, D. A. . (2022). Current account deficit in Colombia 2000-2019. Intercambio, 2(5), 60-72. Retrieved from


