The Master-slave dialectic in G.F.W Hegel: a key of philosophical interpretation for universal history


  • Juan Sebastián Ocampo Murillo Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana


dialectic, history, master and slave, struggle, recognition, tragedy


In the following article, the philosophical figure of the master slave dialectic within the work of G.W.F. Hegel will be analyzed. Likewise, this paper will focus on the relevance of this theoretical narrative around the struggle and recognition when facing various problems in the historian’s discipline. It will proceed by elucidating how Hegel gave the study of history a place of prominence for the construction of his philosophical system, and, in the same way, it will be shown how this author can provide enlightenments for the historical discipline. In the first place, it will approach ancient skepticism and its relationship with Hegel; later, it will fully enter into the dialectic of the master and the slave, and, finally, an exhaustive study will be made on the figure of the tragic hero and its importance for the constitution of laws, customs and social regulations.


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