About the Journal

Ainkaa, Revista de Estudiantes de Ciencia Política de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín, is an initiative of the undergraduate students of Political Science that aims to establish itself as a space for open, plural and collaborative debate. This biannual publication aims, as an academic and editorial project, to be a bridge for dissemination, discussion and qualification of students and teachers from all latitudes.

We consider it of utmost importance that political science critically analyzes politics and the political in order to contribute to the reflections on its epistemological status. We also consider it necessary to study the social and institutional contexts and environments at local, regional, national and international levels, thus contributing to the construction of the university, city and country.

This scenario intends that students have a space for publication, which is close and encourages them to read and write, while it is an open space for graduates and professors, both undergraduate, masters or doctoral from all universities, to submit their work for publication, which may be: research and reflection articles, book reviews, interviews of academic interest, letters to the editor and translations.

The reception of such academic production will be in both Spanish and English.

To know the author guidelines of the journal: