El pensamiento de Gaitán. Socialismo colombiano y populismo liberal


  • José David Barrera González Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín


Gaitán, Socialismo, Gaitanismo, Liberalismo, Marxismo.


As one of the most representative figures of the 20th century in Colombia, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán has been studied from various points of view, highlighting the analysis of his speeches and his influence on the popular masses. However, his works and his own thoughts are unknown to the majority, and there are even strong debates about his true ideology and what he hoped to achieve if he had been president of the republic. The reality, still unknown to many, is that Gaitán developed all of his political work based on Socialism, being consistent in it throughout his career, even when he came to discern on several occasions with other movements with similar objectives. His writings, for two decades, vary in the authors he cites and concepts, but always without changing the idea of applying socialism in Colombia based on the existing material and social conditions in the country

Author Biography

José David Barrera González, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín

Estudiante del pregrado de Historia en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín


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How to Cite

Barrera González, J. D. (2023). El pensamiento de Gaitán. Socialismo colombiano y populismo liberal. Ainkaa. Revista De Estudiantes De Ciencia Política, 7(13), 12-34. Retrieved from http://revistafche.medellin.unal.edu.co/ojs/index.php/ainkaa/article/view/534